Opening up

Today, I am thumbing through photos of the Sun Salutation House and thinking of ways to open up the doors and bring in more juicy, creative, loving energy!  I get excited when I think of bringing together people who have positive compassionate energy, and people who think of possibilities!  I like feeling joy, and happiness!

I haven’t fully shared what has been happening here at the house to the world, not sure if I am able, since it feels like it is always unfolding, and revealing something new and interesting.  I thought perhaps I might begin with some photos I took with my phone.  So here is the begining of opening up.


I wouldn’t,  I couldn’t,  turn and not see-

Eyes wide open,  noticed, recognized.

Arms feel good, play feels good, nothing more. Can’t go back- won’t go back

Looking, noticing my unlooking, overlooking-the truth. The illusion.

Over-looking the thoughts, feelings, nothingness that was there in the unlooking I was overlooking.

It was all a dream-in reality in the midst of beingness in the success as you like to put it.,

Are you going to spend another Christmas Drunk???

It is the ending of November and December is fast approaching.  Is this going to be another Christmas you spend drunk, and fighting with family and friends.  Or perhaps you are the type of drinker who will order out and drink alone in your apartment, isolated from people who love and care about, people who will be thinking of you and wishing that you were there for them. 

It is 2010, and it is time to make peace with yourself and that bottle!  Come join us in our intensive residential recovery program where you will recieve the love and support you need to enjoy this Christmas free of alcohol, and all the guilt and shame that follows it!

Check us out at We are the Sun Salutation House and we ARE a different kind of treatment!

When the inner pain is so great…

We all have or will have at some point in our lives, something so terrible or even tragic happen, something so unbelievably devastating occur in our lives that will cause us pain.  I am talking about that awful, horrific emotional pain that feels overwhelming and  unbearable.  The emotional pain that makes us feel we can’t sit still, it causes our  mind to  race with random and perhaps even uncontrollable thoughts, the mind is panicking!  Some of us feel rage, anger, shame, guilt or depression-in an extreme scale of the feelings.  There comes  a sense of urgency, a great urgency to take action of some sort, many times racing through all sorts of scenarios about what this or that action might be.  We may even race through the scenarios, our mind trying to figure out what to do at a very rapid pace.

Many of us have it happen to us more than once in our life times.  Some people will have a tendency to make sure that whatever happened will never happen to them again, thus they shield themselves by building a wall around those areas of their life, in hopes of keeping themselves safe from ever experiencing that type of pain again. 

For some of you, you may have built a wall around that area, only to be quite shocked and surprised when something just as devastating happens in a different area of your life.  Somewhere you had never suspected, you may even hear your inner voice saying something to confirm your unsuspecting mind, like, “I never even thought about that”, or “that was the last thing i ever thought could happen”.  Thus wielding you a double dose of inner pain.   Some of you may have been taught in your life that pain is natural, and not to close yourself off or you will end up like some old bitter woman or man, so you have kept yourself open and experienced pain as a part of life, and perhaps complain your way through it, or complain until even you become tired of your own complaining and one day simply stop. 

Or maybe you decided at some point to believe that love equals pain, and unconsciously wait for the pain to arrive.  This is your way of shielding the inevitable pain of love…by waiting for it.  Or by keeping a part of yourself from fully experiencing the love, so that when you do lose it, it will not hurt so much.   There are those few exceptions in human beings who by the grace of God, or a deep inner knowing, are able to remain calm cool and have some experience of peace along with the pain….or to jump right back in and open yourself up fully to the experience, with the thought of innocence again.  Or a person who really can just get right back up and dust themselves off and jump right back in the saddle without the self-torture and scrutiny that begets the majority of us human beings.  Hats off to you!!!

I think this category of human beings might be those we’ve heard referred to as “old souls”, you’ve been in human form many many times and deep down you have realized what the rest of us have yet to realize is that this life is an illusion, and that we are participating in the creation of our own experiences here.  That if we wish to experience something other than what is before us, we must simply think other thoughts.  Detach from the thoughts that are causing us so much pain, and attach to peaceful thoughts that create a peaceful experience.

Then there is me and others like me who, even though we know its an illusion, and we work in the field of coaching, and helping others to change their thoughts, and shift their thinking (maybe we are their old souls),  we still get caught in the illusion of thinking what has happened should not of happened.  With all of our knowledge and experience, we need a coach, an old soul to help us move through those thoughts causing us so much pain.

I had a teacher who told me a long time ago, “Cheryl, you may be a fabulous life coach, and you are, but it is nearly impossible to coach yourself.”  I hate to say it, but Dave Buck you were right.  When I drift off in my own experience of personal pain, I need a life coach, I can not coach myself very effectively or efficiantly through my own personal pain.  That too may be key, today I do not want to spend very long in that pain, especially when I know that a great coach can help me shift my thinking and move out of it so quickly!

how do i tell you

how am i going to tell you

that i have a thing

that i have a dream i want to run to

how am i going to tell so your heart doesn’t break

in two and three million pieces?

how do i tell you that i want to run off and have some fun

and leave this all behind?

Did you know…

Stress in the mind affects your health, your physical, and spiritual self.

Stress of the mind shows up in all forms of self abuse inner talk.  Talk about you as a person, about the economy, the job outlook, the oil spill, the negative things all around you.

It is a fact of life that whatever you focus on, you will draw closer to you.

What to do then is to begin to change your focus, begin to change your perspective, and become an optimist!

Yes I said it, become optimistic.

Make it a regular daily exercise to turn something into a positive, write a gratitude list, take time to focus on the positive, the small wonders of your life.  When you are out and about, stop and notice a smile, a hello from a stranger, or become the stranger that says hello and smiles at others.  Look for a floral shop or a plant store, and go in and smell the flowers!  Join an optimist club.  Reach out and do something nice for those around you, even if it is simply opening a door for another human being!


Hey all my cyberkins!  I have missed you in these past months.  I know I faded away, and missed out on our connection, our joy, our growth, and our fearlessness!

I spent the past 8-9 months learning all about confrontational counseling practices, and have concluded that I do not like it…not one little teenie tiny bit!

Again, I must profess Life Coaching as a must for anyone who is suffering from just about anything I can think of!  You want to make change?  You want to become successful?  You want to become a compassionate human being?  You want to reach an inner personal level of joy?  You want to overcome an addiction, or a compulsion?  You name it, I think I could fix it:-)

No I won’t beat you up, or belittle you, I won’t make fun of you, or call you names.  I don’t send you out of the room for asking for clarity, I don’t send you out of the room because you look tired. 

What I will do is honor you, honor your walk, your experience, your willingness to work on becoming the human you were meant to be!  I will create a safe place for you where you feel comfortable and safe to talk about anything you choose.  What I will do is challange you to take that step you really want to take and then I will be here to cheer you on and on and on till you reach that place where you are satisfied!

I am back on-line, catch me on twitter, and facebook, and give a shout out when you are in my area, and lets get together and make your life rock for you!

A question that can’t be answered

Washing away the sand grains in the shoreline

Setting sun shows pinks and yellows and reds that flame

Shadows cast and crash into the lights

Sitting on the shore smiling and crying

Screaming screams that carry out to the depths

where no ears hear the sounds the echos the crash

of noise and waves that rise and wash the tears

from the shoreline.

I trust that i am on my divine life journey no matter what it looks like

pure joy

i am vibrant and resislant

i am life

i am love and hold abundance

in my hand dancing like a teardrop

amidst my palm

dancing to your tune

feeling your love and light shinning

on me and in me and all around me

smiling so vast my cheeks ache

i am dancing on my divine life journey today

trusting that all is as it should be, all is love and light.

awkward moment

how are you?


how are you?


tightness, can’t breath, feel like i can’t move smoothly

this is an awkward moment in between a touching and nearness

between love, and pleasure of being close…of closeness

between being comfortable and uncomfortable.