family matters … residential drug/alcohol treatment

This morning I woke up thinking about traditional treatment centers where the addict stays and learns about addiction, and spends time with other addicts, has the weekly visiting time with their family if the family is involved.  Then I thought about the family setting and the addict.  Big thoughts about how many different problems arise within the families.  Wouldn’t it be great to actually spend time working through some of those issues in real life.  The family issues that occur and cause many addicts to relapse because of not having the tools to handle those issues between family members.

At the Sun Salutation House we spend more time and energy on each individual client, than a traditional treatment center is capable of doing.  This is one of the perks of a small private center,  we individualize our program to meet each client and to focus on their individual needs, which is never the same for every client!  Each and every family is uniquely different.  Our life coaches can go into the family settings to observe and coach clients and their families in communicating, and resolving issues that may seem unresolvable.

This family setting is a great place for our clients to receive support, if in fact it is intact and some of these issues are resolved.  If the issues are not resolved, it doesn’t matter how many family meetings the family attends while the client is in treatment, or how much the family understands about addiction, there will remain a wall of anger and mistrust.  This wall will eventually become a trigger to the addict as well as the family members.  The trigger I speak about is that issue lying dormant waiting for the moment that someone does something or says something that disturbs it….and there it is at the forefront causing all sorts of emotional flareup.  Anger is typical.  Frustrations, and fears can show up and erupt in volatile ways to cause havoc on a personal level to any of the family members, and all the work done in treatment can fly out the window without notice or preparation.

We are small enough to work with each client and there family members to create changes that are not normally a part of traditional treatment programs.  Call us and find out how we can support your family is healing from the effects that addiction has caused in your life and within your family.  608-295-2520


Being coached is challenging in many many ways.  I honor and highly respect those who have been through rigorous coaching because I know how tough coaching can be from my own personal coaching experiences as a client.   Having been through coaching myself, I believe I am a much more empathetic, and compassionate coach, yet a thoroughly challenging one as well.

I understand that in order to make substantial change on the outside, one has to experience inner personal change.  The ways one experiences these changes is by being presented with the challange of what they believe and live by. 

Coaching challenges a persons long held beliefs.  Coaching challenges a persons thinking, and thoughts.  If one is to move forward in life, to experience drastic change, one must be willing to change those beliefs that limit them in reaching what they desire. 

Coaching is challenging, and with each challenge comes more freedom from what was, to step into what can be!

Cheryl Frei
Recovery Coach

What is Life Coaching?

So, what is Life Coaching?

Coaching originated with top-achieving corporate individuals and sports athletes. It has now become a wide-spread phenomenon with successful individuals in all walks of life. Coaching has become more and more specialized. Meaning you can find a life coach who works specifically with the type of person you are, or the specific challenges you might be experiencing. Coaching has become mainstream, no longer is it a service available only to the million dollar athletes and top executives.

Coaching is a unique skill set that has been honed from various philosophers and positive thinkers over the centuries. These go as far back as Socrates, Lao Tzu and spiritual leaders.

Coaching is a new profession that combines the best skills of a positive outlook, listening, questioning and challenging, enabling people to find their own happiness and success.

Coaching helps you to take responsibility for your life, let go of what others think and take action to create the self and life you want. It’s about you creating the happiness in life that you want and deserve.

Simply put, a life coach will help you change the thinking that keeps you recycling in the same old-same thoughts with the same old – same old results! In Life Coaching you can redesign yourself, your environment and your life. Then take action to implement it, and have a coach as your partner challenging and cheering you all the way to your goals!

Your life coach becomes your working advocate and partner for the inner personal change and life change you decide you wish to make!