Did you know…

Stress in the mind affects your health, your physical, and spiritual self.

Stress of the mind shows up in all forms of self abuse inner talk.  Talk about you as a person, about the economy, the job outlook, the oil spill, the negative things all around you.

It is a fact of life that whatever you focus on, you will draw closer to you.

What to do then is to begin to change your focus, begin to change your perspective, and become an optimist!

Yes I said it, become optimistic.

Make it a regular daily exercise to turn something into a positive, write a gratitude list, take time to focus on the positive, the small wonders of your life.  When you are out and about, stop and notice a smile, a hello from a stranger, or become the stranger that says hello and smiles at others.  Look for a floral shop or a plant store, and go in and smell the flowers!  Join an optimist club.  Reach out and do something nice for those around you, even if it is simply opening a door for another human being!